Tuesday, May 3, 2016

My week / Lost in the family, Hubbys birthday, packages form Estonia

Hey! How are you. Sorry about the missing post last week but I had some many thing in my mind,so I forgot but now I am back and ready to write :) 
So what has been going on. On the 23 of april, was Diego's birthday party. It was very small and with the family. On the 18.04 came on of my sisters co-workers in Montevideo and brought me some things.The photos is the first one. Then I worked like a grazy person and the week flew buy so fast. Yesterday there was a big lost in our family. My rabbit Mathilda past away(rest in peace my baby)She had a fluw and the was to young to fight with it.
But I don't want to finish my blog on the sad note so I was thinking to have anoher one and I will let you know the name soon. Let me knoe with color is your favorite .
Have a nive day and enjoy some pic 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tornado in Dolores Uruguay

On Friday 15.04.16 at 13pm there was a big tornado in Dolores. It's a small town. I will put a map here

3 people got killed from the flying cars and other flying object's and lot's of people got injuries but they are fine now.
It all happened very quick and on the middle of the day. Lot's of people lost there houses and businesses.
Let pray for them.🙏
Government is doing everything to help those people and other states are helping as well with money and supplies.  What happened is horrific and people are afraid.
It is not the first time but is the first time when people get killed or hurt.

Not only the tornado is damaging small country like Uruguay
 There is also heavy rain and flooded area's. School's are cancelled and people are staying home's and hoping that this will end.
I am living in Montevideo and far away from the disasters but it affects everybody. So hope the rain stops and we can carry on living the normal life.
I will insert some fotos from Google what I found.

There is a video. I added it here.


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

My YouTube

Hei. I have a YouTube account where I try to post every week. If you want you can check it out. Here is the aadres.

Hei. Tegin l6puks oma YouTube konto ning yritan iga n2dal sinna midagi postitada. Kui teid huvitab, eks minge ja uurige j2rgi.


Please be nice. I am just starting and it is hard for me to do videos and be front of the camara but I am loving it . I hope you like and please show love on my channal.

Sunday trip

Parque Lecocq
Autor: Intendencia de Montevideo / Carlos Contrera

My outfit :  Jacket:  H&M
                                        Scarf: Random street store
                      Jeans: Primark
                          Cardigan: H&M 

                                Parque Lecocq
                                                   Autor: Intendencia de Montevideo / Carlos Contrera

We went to the animal park in Montevideo. The name is Parque Lecocq. We stayed all they there. We had lunch there.  It was a nice tripp . Here is the webpage. You can check it out if you want 
Lecocq http://www.montevideo.gub.uy/ciudad-y-cultura/parques-plazas-espacios-publicos-y-zoologicos/zoo-parque-lecocq

Monday, April 11, 2016

My facial routine

}Hei. Here is my facial routine. It changes little bit some days but the general one is this. I know I could have more products but I am working on it. I hope you like this. Enjoy

Hola. Yo se que hablo solo en estonio o en ingles pero ahora intento cambiar eso. Estoy estudiando español. Lo siento si escribo mal.
Aca tienes mi rutina para la cara. Cambio un poco unas dias pero general hago asi. Espero que tu gusta.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

I don't know what I am doing

Resultado de imagen para good quotes


Ma mõtlesin,et kirjutaks mida Eesti keeles kh. Igatsen suts. Kui najlakas on mõelda,et ma elan UY. See nii kaugel EST ning vahel ma unustan kui tänulik ma peaks olema, et mu unistus sai täide. Alati olen tahtnud elada kusagil soojal maal ning ilusa mere ääres elada ning nüüd sai mu unistus täide. 
Kuna me elame suht rutiinset elu ning unustame vahe peal lihtsalt aja maha võtta ning mõelda,et mida sa tahad oma elus saavutada ning millised on su unistused. Tänapäeva elu rütm on nii kiire ning vahepeal kaotama aja taju ning kui tagasi vaatame on juba 20 aastat möödas ning pole midagi saavutanud või pole teinud seda mida tahad. 

Uruguay elu rütm on poole aeglasem, seega olen saanud mõelda,et mida ma tahan oma elus saavutada. Kindlasti tahan oma maja ning maa lappi kuhu saan oma puu ning juurviljad maha panna. Samuti tahan töötada endale, kas siis oma firma või midagi muud aga ma ei taha endale ülemust-tahan ise olla oma ülemus. Diegoga oleme mõelnud,et teha ühis firma kus ta saab oma käsitööga tegeleda ning mina omaga. 
Nõnda kui aeg on küps ning lapsed tulevad siis saan ma kodus töötada ning neid kasvatada. Oma maja metsa ääres koos oma mõne koduloomaga. Siin hinnatakse poole rohkem käsitööd ning laatu kui Euroopas. Kindlasti tahan ka kooli minna ning endale mingi hariduse saada, olguse see siis mis olgu-hetkel veel ei tea mida tahan teha aga eks see tuleb tasapisi. 

Ja nüüd see suur küsimus. Kas sa  ei taha tagasi tulla. Hetkel mitte. Kui need asjad mis me plaanime,lähevad teoks siis pole meil vaja tagasi tulla. Ainult külla ning puhkuseks aga kui asjad ei lähe nõnda nagu me tahame ,eks siis vaatab mis meist saab ning kuhu me lähme. 

Hetkel olen rahul ning võtan asja rahulikult, samm sammult,üks päev korraga

See oli siis väike kokkuvõte minu ideest ning hetkesest elu valikust. 

Olge tublid

Living the life

Resultado de imagen para uruguay mate

Hei. How are you all.

It has been a very busy and interesting week.But first of all, I want to thank you all,who is reading my blog. I have readers in Ucrania (Привет) , Belgium( bonjour, hallo), Estonia (tere), Uruguay( hola) and USA( hello) . So now I have said hello to everybody, I am going to tell you about my week.

All started on Sunday, when I was prepairing everything for the next day- I am a crazy lady, I like to fold my clouthes the night before and put everything in my purse for the next day, so I can wake up, take a shower and eat my breakfast in no hurry. Maybe I will do a video about my morning routin( let me know if you would love to see that) . 
So I prepaired everything and then  watched  netflix and went to bed. Diego was in a football practis so I ate dinner alone :( and went to bed alone- he came like 12 o'clock at night, Yeah I know. I am a grandma. 

At 6 o'clock I woke up on the Monday morning, It was raining. Had my breakfast and then went to work. I missed the bus because here the buses don't have schedul( okey they d but don't respect it) So I need to take 2 other busses to get to work at time. I was running not to be late and when I got there, my class was cancelled. What a great way to start the day, Now I am smarter and go to the bus stop 15 min before.
My day went slow, I thing I had 4 clases and then went home. We went food shopping and watched Suit-so good :)

Tuesday started the same and I had 4 clases and then rushed to the gym- it was hard one
The rest of the week went same because I get home like at 18 so I was bit tired. Diego has a school at 19 at night, every night so I am usually alone watching netflix 

All the week end was raining, so we could do anything really. We staid in and cleaned the place and did some work. I had to catch up with my planning the clases and Diego had to do his homework from his clases. 

So it was not so interesting but maybe next week is going to be more interrsting.

O  and the easter we didn't to anything- I had to do some work for the school and Diego was working.

Boring life,

Be nice to people and see you soon