Tuesday, May 26, 2015

We are here

Tere kõigile
Olen otsadepidi Uruguay. See on üks Lõuna-Ameerika riik. Ta jäeb täpselt Brasiilia ning Argentiina vahele ning asub Atlanti ookeani juures. Tema pealinn on Montevideo kus elab 1.5 milj. elaniku. Üldine rahvaarv on 3.5 milj elaniku. Meie elame Montevideos ning suht äärelinnas. Kohale jõudsime laupäeva hommikul ehk siis 23.05.2015. Miks ma Uruguays olen ning mis on selle põhjus. Vastus on lihtne,tahan maailma näha ning proovida uusi väljakutseid ning muidugi suur tõuge oli see,et Diego soovis tagasi tulla ning elada uuesti Uruguays. Nii me olemegi siin. Mina saan õppida rohkem keelt ning õpetada inimestele inglise keelt. Olaan on mul ka kooli minna ning saada mingisugune praktiline haridus. Eks paistab mis saama hakkab.

Hello everyone.Finally we made it .Our destination was Uruguay. This is one of the South American country . Its between  Brazil and Argentina and is located near by  the Atlantic Ocean . The capital city is Montevideo, with a population of 1.5 million . The overall population of 3.5 million inhabitants . We live in the suburbs of Montevideo. We arrived on a Saturday morning  23.05.2015 . Why am I in Uruguay , which is the reason for this . The answer is simple , I want to see the world and to try new challenges and , of course, a major impetus was that Diego wanted to come back and live again in Uruguay. So we 're here . I get to learn more languages ​​and to teach people English. Our plan also is going to school and get some kind of practical education . We'll see what happens . I hope you will enjoy my blog. Its going to be in 2 language and some photos. I have instagram were i will post more photos. The username is mary0kiiver

La rambla/promenaad/the promenade